Yesterday Gameloft dropped an interesting tweet, followed by an even more interesting picture. Recognize those glowing eyes in the picture? If you donât, youâre obviously not a fan of old Shellhead and are in the dark about the upcoming Iron Man 3 movie.
Gameloft has released several movie tie-in games over the past few years, and if the twit-pic and message of âWarming up the main coreâ¦â is to be believed weâll be seeing an Iron Man game in the very near future to promote the upcoming film Iron Man 3. Gameloft had a huge leak late last year when its 2013 catalog of upcoming games was leaked online. While the list was quickly yanked from every site on the web, there weâre several movie tie-in games on there and itâs something Gameloft has done before.  No further information has been released, but itâs a pretty safe bet that Gameloft will drop an Iron Man game sometime tomorrow just as the date in the picture implies.
Gameloft did a great job with their Batman & Spider-Man games so taking on Iron Man is only natural. The type of Iron Man 3 game weâll see is whatâs up in the air as it could be anything from an Action & Arcade game to a Building game or a Flying game⦠my moneyâs on the last one. Weâll let you know as soon as the game is released; hopefully itâll be a game that keeps olâ Shellheadâs fans happyâ¦
Source â" Gameloft via Twitter
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