The benchmark comes from AnTuTu benchmark test which features a Galaxy S4 which is probably the LTE version. This counts as the second time the smartphone has shown up on the AnTuTu benchmarks, but this time around unlike the January leak, we have some more information. Like the processor is listed clocking at 1.9 GHz and not the previously listed 1.8 GHz one. While this may not be enough to impress many, still the high end processor speed is enough to provide the much needed grunt. This provides another tick on the box, more than enough to bash the competition with inferior chips. While the previous AnTuTu score was around 20,000 this one comes at 24,000, this is a serious upgrade if you ask us.
Now letâs examine the Picasa pictures which are supposed to be taken from the Galaxy S4. Well to be honest we are not entirely sure if these are correct or not. The EXIF data states that the snaps belong to a device called GT-I9505, but as we all know that data can easily be manipulated. The photos themselves are rather bland and unimpressive. Seriously whatâs up with these super spy leakers? Can to find a good place to capture the photo, I mean even in a dingy office room you can always angle the camera to a more interesting thing. Capture an ant with the macro mode, or a cup of coffee.
Source: AndroidAuthority
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