Monday, April 1, 2013

The best of Google’s April Fools’ Day jokes

The best of Google’s April Fools’ Day jokes

Google is no stranger to April Fools’ Day. Every year, the company attacks the Internet with more joke services and announcements than we can count. You can poke around the web and find them all for yourself, but below, we’ve gathered a sort of list of what we think really stands out this year.

YouTube is finally almost over

“We are so close to the end. Tonight at midnight, will no longer be accepting entries. After eight amazing years, it’s finally time to review everything that has been uploaded to our site, and begin the process of selecting a winner.”

And what a contest it has been. Google has gone as far as promoting a, “best video” hash tag on Google+ and Twitter, and hosting a live announcement ceremony detailing the nominees (it’s amazingly ridiculous).

Google Nose: Smell your search results

The wet dog smell sounds particularly horrible, but daisy, campfire and new car scent, all readily available for your smelling pleasure whenever you want? This isn’t an entirely horrible idea. Google Nose could really work.

It’s Gmail, only bluer

Nothing about Gmail Blue is that great by itself, but coupled with the knowledge of Microsoft Windows 8 and Windows Blue, it’s absolutely hilarious. For a little background info, Windows Blue is the real Windows 8. You know, the one they are trying to get you to use now, is just a rushed out botch job. Really.

Google Maps Treasure Mode

Use the sun, heat, puzzles and more to find Captain Kidd’s long lost treasure. The hunt is on.

Be sure to let us know your favorite April Fools’ Day joke so far this year, and don’t forget to share your own.

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